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Speaking Engagements, Rights Inquiries, Writing + Publishing Opportunities:
Please reach out to my literary agent: Lindsay Edgecombe

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List Your Way to Your Healthiest, Happiest Self.

Oh, hi there! I’m Moorea Seal :) I’m a human who loves to make lists of things, based in Seattle, WA. From listing out my favorite characters in books, to deeper things like lists of the challenges that have shaped me for the better, and lists of resources for creating a more peaceful life. Lists are my greatest resource to wellbeing.

Here’s a list of things I do in addition to writing/list making:

  • Design Products: from paper goods to fashion + home decor. I value thoughtfulness, beauty + practicality.

  • Make Music + Art: I’ve been making something out of nothing many times over throughout my life. What a gift it is to get to create and create again.

  • Live Tiny + Mindfully: I once built a handmade jewelry biz into a HUGE 4,000 sq ft store + offices featuring over 140 designers. It taught me, I love supporting others, but prefer a more quiet and private lifestyle. I love living tiny in 260 sq ft while lifting others up in a digital realm, and through writing my books + journals!

Why Lists? I like Lists because they help me manage my thoughts and feels. Everyone holds a personal narrative, and through list making, we can see more clearly who we are, what we want and need, and how to change our lives for the better :)

I take great design seriously: I need simple, easy, and aesthetically pleasing visual reminders to function my best. And these gorgeous journals, books + paper goods help!

My #52Lists journey of writing these guided journals, and the process of listing in their pages has changed my life for the better in profound ways. These journals have given me clarity on who I am and how I define my values. They’ve taught me my own definition and practice of happiness, contentment, and peace. They have helped me heal from stress, anxiety, depression and trauma. And they’ve given me the tools to see my own resilience and strength. I wish the same for you, sweet soul.



Reach Out & Say Hello!
